Teaching and Learning in a networked world

Friday, September 08, 2006

Introduction to Adobe Breeze

Team Workshop 5 - 1 Sept. 2006
"Introduction to Adobe Breeze" – Stephan Ridgway, TAFE NSW, SI, Learning & Innovation

Last Friday Stephan Ridgway presented to the team on the synchronous communication platform "Adobe Breeze meeting" which is being rolled out to TAFE NSW institutes across the state.

The roll out is part of a trial being run by the Tafe Online II sub project Access to New Technologies. The aim of the Access to New Technologies project is to implement a range of new technologies and conduct trials in Institute learning environments across TAFE NSW to evaluate breeze and a range of other tools to support online teaching & learning.

Sydney Institute has set up a steering committe which will oversee the project implementation and the evaluation process.

Stephan demonstrated the following features
  • Overview of Breeze and platform functionality
  • Logging in
  • understanding the host, presenter and participant profiles
  • Using the Camera and Voice Pod
  • pods, layouts and their functions
  • Using the attendees pod
  • Using the text chat & Q & A pods
  • Using the note pod
  • Using the share pod
  • Using the File Sharing Pod
  • Using the Poll Pod
  • Using the Web Links Pod
  • Presenting using the Share Pod
Don't worry if you missed the workshop you can access the information on the workshop 5 wiki page including an audio recording of Stephan's presentation and links to his wiki etc.

Workshop wiki page

Check out the session flickr stream here

There will be lots of upcoming PD opportunities for staff across the institute to receive professinal development on breeze in the near future.

The next session for TLNW is "mLearning in education" by guest presenters
Paula Williams (Teaching & Learning Development Unit, OTEN) & Phil Lantry (Head Teacher, OTEN)
Friday 15th Sept from 11am to 1.30pm at Ultimo College, Library Building D, Ground floor, Room 45

Email Nicola or Stephan if you are coming along, we have also sent out an invitation to all SI LearnScope teams to share the learning.

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