Teaching and Learning in a networked world

Friday, October 12, 2007

I have joined the legions of tweaters

image by cc_chapman

The network effect overcame me last night and I have joined the twitterverse. Not entirely sure why as have resisted it for some time since I first heard about early this year in the twit podcast. No connection to twitter BTW. I guess like many I thought ..

What's the point
Already am on information overload don't need anymore
it's the final dumbing down of the blogging movement
I can't write a blog post less than 500 words what hope I have of 140 characters

I was reading a Techcrunch titled "Twitter + Second Life = Spontaneous Web Meetspace" and it got me thinking about the whole idea of dipping in and out of the flow of networked sociation. Connecting to participate in a momentary conversation and then leaving. Something not uncommon in virtual worlds such as second life.

Anyway for better or worse, probably the later I have begun my viral journey with twitter.


  • Welcome to Twitter Steph. I have just done a podcast for Knowledge tree with people from a range of locations in the World talking about how twitter has changed their learning. Will let you know when it is live but it really does highlight (I hope) why twitter can be used to make a difference.

    Mobile Technology in TAFE

    By Blogger Sue Waters, at 12/10/07 11:59  

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